Tuesday 20 March 2007

Pre-Retirement anyone?

Is this an alternative phrase for "still working a 40-hour week?"
Unfortunately, I am still in "pre-retirement" and with my commitments looks like i will not get to the next phase - "retirement" - for another 26 years


J said...

"Pre-retirement" Good grief. I guess we are all in that stage from birth until 65-ish! My brother informed m eyesterday that he's now starting to get his NXP (ex-Philips) pension while still working, so he's feeling flush just this minute. His take is that can work for as long as he's enjoying it (well, tolerating it at least) but now has the flexibility to quit when he's ready to. Nice.

I said...

Wow. That's great news for your brother.Good luck to him. I can't see this happening for the rest of us. can you?