Tuesday 1 May 2007

Another Day another ride

Another great day weather wise today. Finished work, dinner, then loaded the MTB onto the back of the land rover and headed down the road. 15 mins away is the start of a 10 mile disused rail track (thanks mr beeching) . Good surface for majority of the way, outbound has a slight include that goes for miles and miles so a bit of a slog, but managed to do 17 miles in 90 minutes tonight. When the sun went down (around 2030hrs) it was still 17C ! Another 1500 calories burnt. Just as well as i am on a 7am train into London to catch the eurostar for Paris. Back Friday!


J said...

You on a health kick? Great to see you getting out and about - and taking the camera! Nice bike shot.

I said...

Trying to lose weight. lost 1 stone so far, a bit more to go.....