Monday 14 January 2008

1000th Legal Download

Just realised tonight that I broke through the 1,000th purchase from iTunes tonight! I can't remember the last time I went into a record store and browsed CD's, just don't have the time to do this any more. It's far too easy to either buy the CD off amazon or just sit quickly for 20 mins trying to find either something new to listen to or maybe find something i heard on the radio earlier.

What was the 1,000th item? A music video called "numb" by Linkin Park. It joins over 200 other music vid's on my video ipod.

Interesting my music collection is now nearly 6,500 tracks and 15% of it's been downloaded from legal sources [just for the record the other 85% were legally ripped from CD's I own]

Just off to work out how much money I have given to Steve Jobs!

1 comment:

J said...

Well I'm impressed. I thionk I've bought a grand total of three tracks via download, which just goes to show how awfully 20th century I am!

Have to say though that I like having the integrated iPod capability in the Beemer. Very civilised.