My wife has misplaced her purse. We think it's at her place of work, but someone double-bolted her shared office and walked off with the keys and we cannot locate them. Security cannot even open the door. Upshot is we are unsure of what's happened to the purse and are 50/50 on if its in the office or not. So we erred on the side of caution and mentally went through what was in it - cash, library card, gym,credit card, oh and partner credit card to my main account! So i ring card company to cancel her card - "sorry sir we have to cancel all cards including yours!" - "
ok do it, when will i get replacements?" "5 days!" "yikes". Now the problem is this is my main card - the other is
AMEX which is not accepted often.
It's amazing how
I've come to depend on the VISA card. I don't carry much cash and use the credit card all the time for on-line transactions, fuel for the card, travel to work on the train (using the automated machine) and impulse buying!
So we have resorted to old way of working! Had to take some cash out of the ATM today and we have been rationing it today - so there is some upside :)
Problem is tonight we are off to the cinema on a rare outing and i booked the tickets online 2 days ago. You guessed it - to pick tickets up, you use the credit card you used at booking. The cards been terminated and cut up! Lets see if the cinema has a set process and if they can cope with this exception case!
Interesting in this day and age that you cannot terminate a partner credit card even when it has it's own unique number! Ah well, at least we'll spend less over the next 5 days! I hope :)