Monday 1 October 2007

The good olde D 'n' V

Been ill over the weekend (not self-inflicted..a bug!). I will spare you the details but you have got to love the medical profession as they call what i have been experiencing - D 'n' V! I will let you figure it out yourselves.
Some other medical acronyms for you to consider:
Answers on a postcard....


J said...

Well, can't manage a postcard but I know a couple of them OTTOMH ...

CTD: circlling the drain (dean, near as makes no difference!)
NFP: normal for Portsmouth (don't remember exactly which condition that was about though - teen pregnancy or somesuch?)
GPO: good for parts only

Can guess at UBI : utter bloody idiot?

Don't know the rest though!

J said...

Oh, and hope you are feeling better now? Somewhat drained, I'm sure .....

I said...

Not bad.....full list is:

CTD - Circling the Drain (A patient expected to die soon)
GLM - Good looking Mum
GPO - Good for Parts Only
TEETH - Tried Everything Else, Try Homeopathy
UBI - Unexplained Beer Injury
FLK - Funny Looking Kid
GROLIES - Guardian Reader of low intelligence in ethnic shirt
TTFO - err....told to go away !! ;-)

Some others for you

TTR - tea time review (when the docs get to chat about you!)
LOBNH - lights on but nobody home

And my favourite...."pumpkin positive" which implies that when you shine a light into the patients head, there is such a small brain inside that the whole head lights up like a pumpkin!