Monday 29 October 2007

What a weekend!

Drove 10 hours Friday from Scotland to home after holiday (more on that soon!), then Saturday/Sunday was a friends 40Th birthday party.
The problems started at 7pm. Started to drink beer, the i remember various curries being cooked, snacks etc, more beer.....then just after midnight things started to go wrong!
Most of the neighbours and folks who weren't staying started to leave, which left the hardcore Scottish and Irish contingent.
The problem came when one of the madder Irish folks decided to make cocktails. Ingredients included: Whisky, Rose wine, vodka, blackthorn cider and some orange juice. I was told Sunday that the trick is to "mask" the alcohol so people don't slow down. Well it worked! We partied to 3am! Luckily the hostess forced us to drink 2 pints of water and take paracetamol before crashing. I'm glad as i don't know how i would have felt Sunday morning without it!
We have a couple more parties before it's mine in June 08 - more practice :)


J said...

Just reading the list of ingredients for the cocktails gives me a hangover. Sounds dreadful. Indeed, you'd have to be drunk already to even try one!

J said...

Oh that's right ... you were.

I said...

Mmmhh. Normally a beer and whisky person. Cocktails are not high on my list of things to drink.